Strengthen your security with a best practice assessment

visibility icon

Increase visibility with advanced security controls

Measure your security capabilities with customisable heatmap reports and industry benchmarks. 

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Create a roadmap for better threat prevention

Reduce opportunities for attack by creating usage baselines and systematically reducing unnecessary applications and user traffic.

imrpove security operations

Improve security operations over time

Stay up to date on the effectiveness of controls by repeating the assessment regularly and demonstrating increased prevention capabilities.

Q | What is the Best Practice Assessment for next-gen firewalls? 
The Best Practice Assessment assesses configurations, identifies risks and provides recommendations on how a customer can remediate issues in order to strengthen security. The assessment compares current configurations to best practices and produces a guide to which best practices are, and are not, being utilised. 


Q | Why is it so important to run a Best Practice Assessment?
Gartner states that 99% of security breaches are due to misconfigurations, not flaws in a firewall. The Best Practice Assessment is a complementary tool specifically designed to help you configure your firewall correctly as recommended and set for risk prevention. The assessment quickly identifies critical security controls for your organisation to focus on. It is one of the best ways to strengthen your security posture, changes in your network may drive changes in your configuration so we recommend running the assessment regularly. 


Q | What if I'm not a Palo Alto Networks customer?

If you're not a customer you are still able to take full advantage of Palo Alto's Security Lifecycle Review (SLR), a cloud-based application that summarises the security risks that your organisation faces. The SLR reports provide a high-level view of the applications in use on your network (including SaaS applications), the websites that your users are accessing, and the types of files they’re sharing. SLR reports also outline the vulnerabilities, malware, and command-and-control (C2) infections found on your network and helps you to contextualise these findings against industry peers. Register using the form and leave the Palo Alto Customer option unchecked.

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